Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Phone...new confusion

Yes! I am now the owner of a Samsung Omina!
Well...hubby wanted to get it for me for my birthday...and yes, I did realised that it is 3 months early, but I won't say no to a new gadget right? However, the phone spent more time in the hands of my hubby ( who wanted to try everything) and Daniel ( who just wanted to play the bubble game)

Much as I like the fancy applications that this phone has, I am having some trouble trying to get use to it all. It boast the capabilities of showing Divix videos, WMA with a 16G capacity. This sounds like heaven for a drama addict like me, but I realised that not all the formats are supported well. This is quite sad....

But it has been fun trying to figure things out...it is a discovery process...I am still learning, and I hope I would get better at it...I need to...cos I want to send emails, MSN, surf the web on my phone ( like they advertise on TV!)

1 comment:

SubLim3 - SeekerforU said...

Add me to your link! I'm Alvin the korean drama fan!