Monday, September 1, 2008


I went to watch Wall.E with the kids over the weekend. It was a short but cute movie. Considering it did not have a lot of was the expression of Wall.E & Eve that was so special. You could tell what they were trying to say with each sound they made.

Although it was an animation and we would assume that it is targeted at all Pixar movies, it does have some adult the need to take care of our environment, and also ourselves. Especially ourselves....we may think that automation is convenient and good for us, but in the long run, it makes us dependent on automation/machines. There are things we have to do for ourselves....

Think about the last time you dialled a phone number on your handphone....DIAL...not look for the contact and press "call". I know I have been to relent on auto dial...and when your phone ran out of batteries...there goes all your contacts. I make it a point to still try and remember key phone numbers (hubby, family..etc) that I can be "independent" of the phone. :) ( This from someone who just got a fancy new phones with many new features.)

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