Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Excuse me..are you a Christian?

Sometimes when you meet new people or in my case, have new colleagues..this question on religion sometimes come up. I am not offended when I am asked, in fact, I would be glad that they had noticed something about me that makes them ask if I am a Christian or which church I am attending. However, this has also made me realised that there are times when I have been so "normal" that I am not sure if my "Christianity" is as obvious as it should be.

I am not talking about evangelising or anything, but just living a Christian life. How have I lived my life that others would notice that I am Christian? And more importantly, am I doing it for others to see or for my Lord to see? I know that I am not a perfect person, and in fact, my Christian life has been on the slide for a while now. While in my mind, I know I need to do more, but in reality, I have often found excuses ( too many things to do, too busy, need more time for family etc). I think one will never run out of excuses but is that right? Being Christian is never easy...It says so right from the start. Am I the one that is running out of commitment to my God?

I have learnt long ago that "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you". I should really start living my life like that too.