Friday, July 25, 2008

The BIG clean up

I like to listen to music when I work and am often seen with earphones sticking from my ears when I am reading or tying away at my laptop. As you all know, I have just gotten my new laptop for about 1 month and one of the first things I did was to populate my laptop with my music. BUT here comes the problem...which player to use - Windows Media Player or iTunes?

Thee are pros & cons to both. WMA is quite good and it is intelligent enough to get music information from the net and upates your library. It also automatically adds music to your library from your designated folder. BUT, it does not convery WMA files into MP3 easily. I want my music to be in MP3s cos I sometimes transfer them into my handphone and listen to them on my bus journey. On the other hand, iTunes does the conversion easily with one click, BUT the problem is that it tends to mess up my folders to the point where I can't find where my songs are anymore. Some of my more "unconventional" friends have refused to used iTunes because of it, and also, they are anti-apple ( go ask them why!).

What I realised now is that no matter which player I songs are ALL IN A MESS NOW...and it would probably take me a LONG time to try and clean them out. First I have to try and convert all my music to MP3, sort them out nicely in the right folders, import them systematically into the player (nicely reinstalled so that everything is starting from scratch), re-create my get the picture.

I hate mess! And I really need to fix this! Until that happens...I am UNLIKELY to enjoy my music!!! But then thinking about all the "cleaning up"....I am tired how??
Anyone wants to volunteer to do this job for me? :)

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