Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A New Stage

After more than 1 1/2 months in my new job, I am finally getting to do some 'real' training. Although I was involved with some training for some lecturers from China, the role was more of an "assistant" trainer as I was still not very familiar with the training style they have here. My real test will come on 11 Aug where I will be doing a full workshop by myself.

It is a strange feeling...the topic is not unfamiliar ( it is actually"Introduction to PBL"...)but the expectations are there. I am new to this place, and the participants may not take to the way that I facilitate. I have spent quite a bit of time preparing for this workshop, and it is not due to the lack of content knowledge, but just that there seems to be some kind of expectations.....from my boss, from my colleagues and from the participants. They must be wondering if I can actually delivered what I said I can in my interviews!! And this adds pressure to the whole thing :(

I keep telling myself that there is nothing to worry about and when I am training, I would just switch into that trainer mode...some thing that I am so familiar with, and something that I have missed for the last couple of months. I get "lost" in my training, and things just move along until the end of the session...much like a performance on stage.

I hope I will do well in this new "stage"!

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