Sunday, April 20, 2008

Winds of change

I can't think of a title for today's entry...partly cos I feel brain dead at this point! Hubby thinks its cos I have been watching too much drama over the internet. I have to admit that there might be some truth to it...But that's not the point...I watch too much drama series cos I am avoiding making some important decisions.

Friends who are in the know wonders how long it would take for me to make THE decision. It has taken me more than a month now!! But I am proud to say I have finally decided!! I think the toughest decisions are often the ones that requires us to make significant changes to our lives. One one hand, I like the comfort of where I am...I sometimes feel that I am too "old" to have the energy to get use to the new ideas/surroundings/people etc. Too lazy to move, even when I know it is for the better cos I am just too used to what I have now. Yet on the other hand, I crave the excitement of change, stepping into the unknown, trying out new things and the anticipation of things to come. Life is all about changes isn't it? We can't just stay in the same place cos it is comfortable? Humans are made to progress right?

I create this blog to record my first change...I guess it is timely for another one :)
I know this sounds really cryptic...but be patient...all will be revealed when the "east wind blows"!

1 comment:

none said...

teacher im marcus.
just wondering how should i study for my UT.