Monday, November 19, 2007

Holiday Programmes

The school holidays are here again! As this is the end of the academic year, the holidays are longer....and hence more options for holiday programmes! I always thought that I was a "non-pressuring" mother and I did not believe in making my children go for many enrichment programmes, but I realised that I may have just fallen into the "enrichment" programme trap already!!

It started with Daniel coming home with a stack of forms asking me to sign him up for holiday programmes ranging from music to English classes, from Chinese Speech & Drama to Science & Maths workshops!!! I only signed up for the music ones as Daniel really likes music and has got a pretty decent rhythm I thought it was not a bad idea to go and have I paid for his 2 day workshop.

Then came the brochure on holiday programme from my sister...who is currently teaching at Julia Gabriel Communications. The programmes looked pretty interesting and I thought it would be fun for Evelyn to attend the one week programme cos I had good feedback from my sis who took my nephew there last hols. Then I saw a Chinese programme which I thought would be good for Daniel too...cos his Chinese is REALLY bad....and I think he needs all the help he can get. So both of them got signed up for the programmes at JG.

Finally, Daniel has got his children's church camp of the weekend coming up at the of the week too!!! I thought it would be fun for him to be with friends...besides..this one is really more play then work, and my sister is there to look after him.

When I looked over my calender in my outlook today, I realised that my kids' programmes are pretty packed!!! Have I become to KS mother???? Erm....I try not to think of it this way...but I may be on my way to becoming one!

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