Friday, November 16, 2007

Here's the season

You know when Christmas is coming around when you see lights in Orchard road. This year's lights are really nice. I see them almost once a day when I go and pick my kids from my parents place. I only get to see small portion outside Tanglin Mall when I drive along Holland Road, but it is nice. It has got nice silverly blue lights that is hung across the road...feels rather "wintery" and "fairytale-like". :)

This year we were rather "on" about Christmas, cos we have already set up our tree! I made this rule when we first got our own flat...I was NOT going to put up the tree as I did NOT want to take it down. Steven has been the one putting up the tree for the past 7 years. It use to be filled with gold ornaments. This year, he decided to change the colour theme, and threw out all the old ornaments cos he thinks they have faded and was not nice anymore. So he took us to Concourse to buy brand new ones. This time he picked a "red & gold" theme. I think we got a bit carried away with our purchases cos we ended with more ornaments that what our tree can hold..... :)

Daniel & Evelyn tried to give their daddy at hand at putting up the tree...and Daniel had the final honour of putting the star on the top of the tree. I must say that their handiwork is pretty good...Don't you think so too?

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