Thursday, November 29, 2007

Do you want to learn Korean?

I want to make learning Korean one of my new year's resolution. Actually, it was my new year resolution for this year too. :) But there is an added incentive this year cos I found out that I could used my training budget from work to pay for it! Yeah!!!!! Free Korean classes!

Ok..most of you reading this would already know that I have enjoy watching K-dramas. I am not the only one in my family cos Steven also watches K-drama as well! He is a big fan of the Korean historical drama like "Jumong". I find the Korean language interesting cos many of the words and phrases sounds like Chinese dialects. Many times I can pick up words from K-dramas that I actually understand :). I figured that since I have the funds ...I might as well make full use of it right?

While many of you may think that I am just K-drama crazy ( I AM NOT ok!....) I am actually more interested in the Korean culture. I find it interesting to learn about how other people think, behave and act...especially when there are so many similarities to the Chinese culture. So.....anyone game to join me to learn Korean??

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