Wednesday, December 12, 2007


What do you have fewer when you get older? For me it is close, good friends. Although Steven reckons that I am quite a sociable person, and have many different groups of friends, there are only a few of them which I consider my closest & dearest friends. They are people that have known you for a while, and have seen you through good times & bad. In fact many of them have known me longer than Steven has! And one of them came to visit me from Malaysia last week end.

PS is my housemate from my Uni days and is now god-ma to my son. She lives in KL and only visits Singapore when her company sends her here for work! We have left Uni for a good ten years now and have always kept in touch. We don't really send each other emails or even MSN very often, but I know that she is one person that I can call on any time if I needed her. She is a friend that I am comfortable with and can share almost anything with. We used to chat on Sat mornings when we didn't need to attend classes or during our visits to the nearest "Mackers" (McDonald for those non-Melbournians). She would also accompany me on my late night supermarket shopping trips to Coles and my bargain shopping trips. She also taught me to make the easiest & most delicious spare ribs ever. ( just add ribs, a can of Sprite & 1/2 bottle of tomato sauce).

This visit was particularly nice, cos she had the time so stay at my place and we were able to spend some good time chatting & catching up. I wish we would have more time to talk though, cos I think as I get older, there are fewer people that I can really open up to like I do with PS. I guess this is cultivated from years of being friends, trusting each other and having faith that this friendship is precious.

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