Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ubin..Wet Wet Wet!

Can you believe that I have NEVER been to Pulau Ubin in all my life? Until last Monday...that is. My office had a retreat, and the idea was to bring the department to have a time of bonding. The organiser's idea of bonding was to "rough it out with nature". It meant having to take a bum boat to Ubin, walk to a kampong, cook your own lunch and do a photo challenge all in the pictureque nature. However, what they did not plan was the rain that came pouring down ( I use the work "pouring" as it was the most adapt description!).

I must really admire the "can-do" spirit of my colleagues, cos no one grumbled ( at least not in the "what-in-the-world-are-we-doing-here!?!?!" tone). We managed to cook a decent lunch after some instructions and made our own ice-kachang for dessert! :) No photos though...we were too busy eating!

The tough part was the photo challenge which required the various teams to go around Ubin looking for specific landmarks, people, places to take photos. All done in pouring rain! Most of the teams completed all the challenges...well...some took the easier way out by hiring a van to take them around! Most of us just walked :) I must some point, I gave up trying to stay dry cos there was just no way of doing it...not with a raincoat or umbrella!

1 comment:

Chunnie said...

Hi Hui Leng,

Great to hear from u. Am definitely going to include ur blog as my frequent sites.. so keep ur updates coming. Take care!

Choon Fong