Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Holidays are now!

I can't believe that I am going to make reservations for a holiday in Dec NOW! But according to many people I am I will try and get organised and book the family holiday to Hong Kong (yes! AGAIN)soon. For the last 3 years, that is where I have been spending my year end holiday. I went there in Dec 2005 before Evelyn was born, as I wanted to take Daniel to Disneyland. Last year, I was there for a conference ( see I go there to work too...not only play, eat & shop ok!)and took the opportunity to extend my stay there, and got Steven to join me for a few days.

This year, I am being really ambitious. Steven & I are taking 2 kids under the age of 5 there by ourselves. Some would be thinking that HK is not really place for family holidays especially with such young kids...but hey..we know that place well, and I don't feel "obligated" to visit the usual touristy places and the need to maximise our stay there by going out early and coming back late. I plan to take it easy....go to the islands, visit their wetlands, walk around at our own pace with no schedules...except for Disyneyland. Daniel has already made plans who he wants to see there ( there is Mickey, Minne, Donald, and Pluto).

Then...Steven is suppose to plan a getaway for the both of us! ( after we both chickened out of a trip to Chiang Rai with my friends who wanted to do the Eco Trail thingy....we declared ourselves way too old for trekking!!)I told him not to tell me where we are going. ( Bali or Korea :P)I will just bring out clothes that I want to wear for both summer & winter and he will pack what he thinks is neccessary :):). I hope I won't regret letting him plan!!!

1 comment:

StormMummy said...

Wow! So let me know when you do discover your holiday destination!