Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Princess is sick today

I realised that I have not talked about my kids a whole lot...I think a grand total of 2 times in this blog site. If you asked me about 10 years back what it would be like to be married & with kids...I am not sure I could have told you the answer. Now that I am married and with kids...the verdict is that it is not bad at all. Sure things can get a little crazy at times especially when you are having an argument with a 4 year old boy about why he does not want to go to school and having to make sure that the little princess does not get too adventurous on the stairs ( Eve likes to climb the stairs and sit at the landing between the 2 sets of stairs!)..but I really cannot imagine my life without them.

Everytime they cry, everytime they fall sick I get in really worried. I know in my head that things will be ok, and act like I believe that things are ok, I am secretly worried that bad things would happen to them. I hate it when the doctor ask me to take the kids for additional to make sure they are ok. Even if it is a routine thing with almost nothing to worry about...I worry about that 0.001% chance that things may go wrong. Do all mothers do that? I think about me not being there for the kids when I work and sometimes I am tempted to say....stuff the work, my kids need me. I don't want to justify to anyone why my kids are the important to me..they just are.

Get well little princess...mommy loves you!

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