Monday, December 21, 2009

Have yourself a merry little Christmas...

Yes...Christmas is around the corner again. And if you have been reading the papers, business have been really good at the stores. The crowds are buying like they have 3 months bonus ( they must not be civil servants like me then....cos I sure can't afford to buy much this year with the conservative bonus we have!). It may be a case of new malls in town, and since there are 4 new malls along Orchard Road this year, it is not difficult to understand the immense surge in shoppers along Orchard Road. I guess this means good news for stores and the economy.

On the other hand, the immense crowds also translated to jams along Orchard Road, lack of parking spaces, long queues at the food joints, and lots of pushing and shoving....which is all quite lousy. And the woes is not in Orchard Road alone. My parents live within walking distance of ION Orchard, it is not unusual that they get a lot more "strange" cars parked along their street around Christmas. However, in recent days, there are many more cars parked along their street then the usual Christmas season, which I can only attribute to the influx of shoppers to the new malls. But what this has resulted in is bad and extremely inconsiderate parking practices. There are cars parked so closed to my parents home entrance that they are unable to drive out of their own gate. And this has happened a couple of times this season.

There are a couple of things that I wonder...if you can afford a car to drive to town, surely you can afford the parking fees right? If you do want free parking, at least be considerate to the people who live along the street. Plus, this is the season of giving and loving, so why not be a little bit more loving to others around it? Ironic isn't it?
Having said that, I must say I was tempted to take a picture of the offending car and putting it up in STOMP! But...this is the season of giving. loving and forgiveness isn't it? So I only put a note to remind the drive to "refrain from parking so close of our home's entrance" ;)

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