Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dinner by the Park

It has been some time since a bunch of us has gathered for dinner.....and I am looking forward to it. My friends have selected a nice place - Admiralty Park...right next to their workplace! Oh well...that means I have to be the one traveling up to meet with them...I guess that is a small price to pay for good company! Anyway, I have been meaning to visit Admiralty park as I heard that the place is quite nice and a good place for kids to visit and explore. BUT, I am really not sure what I would be looking at in the night....ha!

I have to admit, I quite like the idea of having dinner in the park..and I must say there are more options now to go to. I visited one at Labrador Park which was quite cosy ( even though it felt a little dim with only candle light to show you what you were eating). I would like to visit Rochester Park and maybe Botanic Gardens as well. But like all good plans....this will need time and effort to execute...of which I don't have a lot I can only IMAGINE what it is like. :)

1 comment:

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Hui Leng! I happened to see your blog address in your hotmail sign in and oh my goodness, I never realised you scrap too! And you know Melina? I know her through scrapbooking. :) What a small world. :) Are you at your new job already? Keep in touch ya? My blog is: :) Talk to you soon! :)