Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Be Brave

Have you ever noticed that there are more young people on roller coaster rides than adults? And quite a few of the adults are there cos they are being dragged along by a younger member of the family? You can tell by the grimaces on the face of the adult and the absolute glee on the child while waiting for their turn. Does it mean that as we grow older, we become more....cautious? or for that matter afraid?

About 15 years ago, I required surgery to remove a fibroid which was fairly large, but being young and ignorant, I just listened to what the doctor and my parents had to say...went for the op, and then flew back to Melbourne for my studies within a week. Nothing to was done and over. I really didn't think much about that matter or the whole experience.

Recently, I had to face a medical situation. This time round, I was more worried, and even scared..although I have been assured by the professional that there is nothing to worry about. You would think that past experience would have made you more prepared, but I think it made me consider too many alternatives ( of which some can be rather extreme!). Has age made me more cautious or do I now know more than I did previously, and hence have more reason to fear? I think there is only one thing that has made me more 'afraid' own family.

Maybe I should just follow what Daniel does when he is afraid....He would close his eyes, bow his head with his hand clasp together and say "dear God, please make be brave...Amen". It works for him, and I am very sure, it will work for me too :)

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