Friday, October 24, 2008


Got thought it was an endorsement for Korean star Rain right? Nope...just talking about the weather in general. It had been raining non-stop since last night, and this has made the weather much cooler. And since I live on the 14th floor, this coolness has translated to long sleeves pjs for the kids and myself. We didn't even bother with the was really quite cool, especially in the kids'room.

This morning wasn't much better either, the weather continued to be wet, and dreary..But I kinda like it like that. It reminds me of the years spent in Melbourne, where rainy or cloudy days were the norm, especially in winter. It was kinda nostalgic. During winter, it was common to wake up to single digit temperatures plus rain & wind. I would have wrapped my trusty scarf around my neck and rushed off to uni for the morning class.

Speaking of cold weather, I would be heading towards some in the next 2 days. Steven is already experiencing -1 degree temperatures in Colorado Springs, and I would get my dose when I arrive in New York on Monday. The last I read, it was between 1-5 degrees at night....cold....but niace...... :)I get to wear my winter clothes! yesh!!

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