Friday, October 17, 2008

Flying here & there

Steven & I will be flying off to US...separately!!! He flies off on Thur, and I fly off on Sun. He is flying via Tokyo and I will be flying via Frankfurt/NY. He is going to Colorado Springs & I will be in Orlando. I like his route better, cos I will buy things at the transit in Japan..if it transit in HK better, cos I will end up buying my lap cheong & 老婆饼 from the transit area. But I get Frankfurt..I guess I will go get a mug of beer since it is still technically October...

I reckon I have been traveling more than I expected. I didn't expect to go to Taiwan in Sept, or to US this Oct. I had only planned for the family trip to Perth in Dec ( which I am also going for now). This would mean that I have been to the airport every single month from Sept onwards!! I like traveling, and going to different places, but I think after this series of trips..I am ready to take a break from .....taking a break :P Staying at home isn't so bad...if you have enough DVDs & books to get you through....(plus a good dose of noisy kids also helps...)


StormMummy said...

Wow..enjoy your trips! Wish i could go too!

Hui Leng said...

I hope so schedule is really tight...meeting starts at 8am and there are dinners to attend as well. Thinking of it makes me tired :P