Friday, October 17, 2008

Daniel's busy day!

It's going to be a little "crazy" at home starting tomorrow! Our schedules are so packed with activities that it is actually quite hard to believe! ( be "flower" then! haha)

Tomorrow is Daniel's busy day! He has a swim "test" in the morning and his annual school concert in the afternoon at Victoria Theater. This is his 2nd year performing, and he seems quite confident about it. His costume is rather glittery...the shirt is yellow and the pants is bluish green..rather hard to describe without making it sound bad, so you will just have to wait and see for yourselves.

In the evening, Steven and I are going to be a bit 'atas' cos we are attending the gala opening of the Sun Festival. Sounds good huh? But the reason was that I thought it was value for money for watching Dame Kiri Tekanawa, Vienna Boy's Choir & Robert Redford (now Geoffrey Rush) all for the price of one ticket. Yes...I admit..I am cheapo!

Sunday..would probably be spend doing last minute stuff for the week cos Steven and I are flying off to the States...separately for work. We need to get the proper locks, change money, get will be a frantic week!

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