Monday, June 16, 2008

Education - grades or learning?

I was having dinner with my family last night and my sis-in-law mentioned that she had to hired an economics tutor for my nephew who is taking his A levels next yr. I mentioned that I could tutor him as I majored in Economics in university....besides economics theory has not changed over the years ( with every other thing held constant..that is!). She replied 'yes, but can you teach?'. I was a little puzzled by that statement at first...cos I thought I can teach...or facilitate the understanding of the concepts..but I realised what SIL meant was..."can you help my son get a good grade?". Now that is a different story all together now right?

When I spoke of tutoring, what I meant was to help him to understand the economics concept and that certainly does not come with a guarantee for good grades. But I would say that after my class, I am sure my nephew would be have a better understanding of the issues & concepts that the knowledge of economics is based one. On the other hand, The Tutor, came with a good reputation for students producing good grades. I guess ultimately, grades still rules.

That got me thinking...would I become like that too? To see the pursuit of grades as being more important than the pursuit of education & knowledge? Was I too "G1010-nise" to see learning as more than a numbers/grade game? I want to believe that education means more than just memorising content, but the ability to apply it, appreciate the value of the content and to understand the purpose of that content & knowledge in the world that we live in. Is there even a remote possibility that we start valuing education for it being education and to enjoy learning for itself? I can only say I hope....for it does not seem to be that least not in the near future and not where I am....

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