Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Long Drive Home

My current workplace is quite a distance from my home. Usually it takes me an hour in the car before I get to work. Part of this reason is that I have to drop Daniel in school and Evelyn at my parent's place before making the trip up north. Although I take the highway, and I do drive quite fast, it still takes a while. Many people have commented that it must be tiring to make this trip up and down everyday. Welll...I personally don't find it tiring...actually I think I am going to miss it.

While I am often seen as an extroverted person ( in comparison to my rather quiet hubby...), I do have moments when I feel that I need to be by myself. I think this is the result of living on my own while in Oz. I get use to reading in my room, walking to uni on my own, taking classes on my own.( I am the only overseas student at that time taking an Arts degree!). I need "me" time. It used to upset Steven that like to read on my own and "ignore" him during the early days of our marriage.

The long drive is about the only time that I have with myself. I like to listen to my favourite chinese radio station, and "think", "evalaute" & "reflect". It is a habit from my Oz days when I would often send friends home, and then drive home alone. Plus I used to pick Steven up from his workplace in far-flung places on the island, so over the years, I have come to enjoy these "me" times.. I have a good "excuse" to be by myself and think. With this new job being so near my home...these "driving moments" would not happen so often. I suppose it would mean that I would have to find another way of getting "me" times.

I am going to miss long drive home :P

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