Monday, January 21, 2008

7 Years already...

It has been 7 years since 20012001...its a little bit cliche to say this...but time really does pass by very quickly. I certainly didn't think that in 7 years we would be blessed with 2 lovely little kids. We went through many good times, and certainly some really sad times in the last 7 years. I think we have both grown quite a fair bit as individuals and as a couple.

I remember the early days of marriage when I would call my aunt ever so often to complain about him. I don't make those calls very often now...not that there are no more arguments, but I guess we are better at handling them now. We learn to give and take a little bit better, and have gained more understanding. My friend PS once said that I mellowed with age...I certainly hope so! :)

Being together for so long has certainly allowed us to become "used" to each other. But I must say that I never got used to not having him with me. Considering the fact that his job sometimes takes him away from home (either overseas or just duty at camp!), and I sometimes have to travel for work as well... I have not gotten used to it at all. I don't sleep well without him. Don't ask me why...after all these years, I have not gotten used to it...Maybe it is just part of being married?

We have also not gotten over another thing....we "irritate" each other too much as well. I used to say ( and still do..) that the 3 words that we say to each other most often is........"STOP IRRITATING ME!". We get a kick out of it :) Now, our kids have followed our examples...they are pretty good at irritating each other :)

Well, the wedding anniversay have come and gone....we didn't do much yesterday, cos he is sick the micro-plasma thingy again. We had to shelved plans for dinner, but he did buy me a nice ( and I thought rather pricey) dress for CNY :) Well... I got him CNY clothes too..BUT I just got an SMS to say that the lack of celebration will be compensated soon......during my ROM anniversary in April... :)

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