Monday, October 29, 2007

The Season for School Concerts

If you are a parent of a kider-going child or know friends who are...then they would have all been busy the last weekend. Why? Cos it is the School Annual Concert week!! Needless to say, I attended my first concert as a parent - Daniel was performing an item for the "Prodigal Penny" at the Victoria Theatre. I have NEVER performed for kindergarten before...

Daniel sang & danced to Hi-5's version of "Rain, Rain go away". It was an upbeat item with lots of dancing and singing. Daniel's costume was a lovely orange raincoat which came with a matching fisherman's hat. He also had a nice pair of black pants ( which he said made him look like the "tuck tong chieng" or Lion Dance guys). He really look very nice in it ( I don't have the photos now as I update, BUT I promise to put it up once I get it!).

I must add that Steven & I had were a little worried for Daniel cos he is not the bravest boy...( we are both realists!). He "chickens" out whenever you ask him to sing or dance, and the last time he had to sing with his class, he stood right behind and barely opened his mouth. So, you can see that his track record for public performance was not very good...what more on the huge stage with hundreds of people watching you?

BUT my son surprised us! He was sooooo good ( I am not being biased! really!). He was the first to run out to the stage, did his dance well ( he didn't get stage fright like some kids did), knew his routine, and did everything he needed to ...and with a big grin on his face too! I was so proud of him!!!!!! I couldn't believe he could do so well on stage! I was really impressed! :)

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