Tuesday, March 9, 2010

School Season has started!

Yeap, it has been a while since the last post. I was just reading through it, and realised that it has been more than 2 months since I wrote about Taiwan. I have been on another trip since…but that would be saved for another post, as I don’t have the pictures from the trip to post! :P It was a very eventful trip…well worth a whole post just on it.

Jan and Feb 2010 has just been so busy. School term started and the whole family was on a steep learning curve about the Singapore Education System with Daniel’s entry into formal education – Primary 1. S & I spent the first 2 days of school camped out at D’s school, but he seems really ok, and was getting along quite well with the other boys in his class. Eve was even better, and got on well with everyone, and enjoyed being in “ Kor Kor’s school” even though D is not there anymore. The best part of school for Eve would be snack time & the bus ride home :)

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Both seems to be taking to school pretty well, but I am not very good with it still. I am struggling to keep up with the homework that D has been assigned to!! I feel stress….I realised that I can come up with strategies to teach students, but have trouble trying to get D to learn Chinese! :P I wish I would get him interested in the language which I think is a richer language that English ( not that I am great at it myself…but have started to read some short Chinese internet novel :))

So if you have any good suggestions for teaching young kids Chinese…pls let me know!

1 comment:

StormMummy said...

i want to know too!!