Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rose Cottage - are you still there?

One of the favourite things that I did as student when studying in Melbourne was to go on short trips over the weekends. One of my favourite places to visit has been the area around Yarra Valley. I like it anytime in the year, and there is always something nice to see. The cottages there are usually very well kept and beautiful. In winter, it was close enough to Lake Entrance that we could always go for the snow, or just to lazy around to soak in the peace and quiet before our return to reality.

I always thought that I would bring my family there one day. I am not so sure if I can do that anymore.

I read in the papers that most of Marysville is gone...burnt to the ground in the recent bush fire. I was just online with my friend who lives in Melbourne. They live nearer the city, hence the fire had not affected them much. But she said " remember Marysville? We use to go there".....yeah..we did..many years back..and to think, it may never be the same again.

I hope to visit Marysville again someday. I know that the people there will come together and rebuilt this town. :)

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