Monday, November 17, 2008

No drama

As you all know by now, I was quite a "drama" queen...not that I am dramatic, but I do like to watch dramas quite a fair bit. I used to watch dramas over the weekend or in the evening after work, but I have stopped doing that for a while now. I think it is partly cos I have been busy and tired, but more like I don't "need" to watch it anymore...

I used to watch dramas as a form of escape, and I am sure I am not the only one who does it. In my previous workplace, I watched drama so that my mind is occupied and I did not need to think about the issues that would upset me. I like my friends and the work that I do at my old workplace, but like everyone who is an employee, we all have our grouses against "management". I realised that the more free time I had, the more I would spend thinking and talking about how frustrated I was with developments in office. So, to get away from it all, I would watch dramas. I must say it did helped a little as I would have a more interesting topic to think and talk about other than management!

Since coming to the new workplace, more time was spent on trying to understand the new dynamics, work structure and environment here. That means a lot less time to watch dramas or angst. Well...I am way too new here to be angst right? So far, I have tried to maintain a more positive outlook in my work environment. I think as I get older, I learn new strategies to keep myself going when the going gets tough. So for the time being...dramas are not so important now...not that I have stopped watching them is just that I have don't really "need" them as much now... :)