Thursday, September 11, 2008

Food, Glorious Food

When I am in HK, I buy more, when I am in Taipei, I eat fact, I ate ALL THE TIME!
There were so many interesting street food to sample. I think if Steven went with me...I wouldn't have eaten as much cos he is VERY particular about eating street food....he doesn't like to! I did not eat ANY street food when I was with him in Hua Hin last this time...I ate and ate and get the idea...
Here are some pictorial evidence of my gluttony! ( I would like to add that I did not eat EVERYthing by myself...Min & I share most of the food...expect for my favourite....pig's intestine!!!! I had to have them every one form or another!)

We actually ate a lot more than this...but I was too busy eating to take

From top Left.. Ah Zong 面线 Lunch at Basement Food court@ShinKong Mitsukoshi Dept
Dinner at Foodcourt @Taipei 101

Mixed veg, fish, pork in soya sauce Steam boat

Note :
(1) Ah Zong Ah Zong 面线 is at Ximending, it is not difficult to find as many people would be standing outside the shop eating it. There are no seats! Unlike Singapore's version, there is no osyters...instead they have pig intestines!!!!! Yummy!!!! I ate it 2 nights in a row.....

(2) Mixed Veg thingy is like Yong Tau chose what you want from the stall, and then it gets cooked in the sauce. It is meant for sharing...They have a unique way of ordering the food...cos you have to watch when the guy puts it into the pot to cook as he cooks 3 different portions at the same time. When it is ready, you have to "claim" it, so if you are not paying attention...someone else may take yours! The one we ate was at Shida Market. It was a pretty big stall and you eat inside a bubble tea shop behind the stall.

(3) There are LOTs of Jap food in Taiwan! They are everywhere, each foodcourt would probably have about 3 Jap food stalls! And they are quite reasonable...the bento in the picture above cos S$14. I couldn't finish it...too much!!

(4) Egg custard (bottle next to the Sushi) from ShinKong Mitsukoshi Dept (A8) store basement is GREAT! It is in a nice glass bottle with a little caramel at the bottom. We wanted to buy some back but they only had 3 left, so i took everything! Steven ate one last night...he didn't even share with me. I need to remember what is the name of the stall......

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